Friday, June 10, 2011

Things #3, 4, & 5

Thing #3- Images
This is me and my lovely husband. We have been friends since 1998 and meat at a church camp. According to him it was love at first sight. The picture with me and my husband by a helicopter was taken in Hawaii, Honolulu. We went to Honolulu for our one year anniversary last year. It was a blast and such a great experience. My husband and I love to travel and are looking forward to traveling throughout our lives. Its interesting to see how alike and different places are compared to where you live. BUT no matter what "THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME." 

Thing #4 - Flickr
While searching in Flickr, I came across some great pictures taken in nature settings. This picture in particular caught my eye. My brother and I, while growing up watched many nature channels. We are so amazed to see all that nature has to offer to man kind. Today we watch planet Earth which is ten time better. Its so awesome seeing areas in the world which man does not live in but yet it exists and bring about its own space and purpose for being on our planet. 

Thing #5- Mashups
I went and shared my wedding pictures on Flickr. I figured that if I put my pictures on Flickr I will have my pictures back up and others around the world can use them to referrer to if needing. It was interesting to see all the mashups that can be done using pictures. I was looking for some ideas to put together for my brother's upcoming wedding and thought how cute would it be if I can make a cube of pictures for the bride and groom to put on there guest's dinner tables. I made this sample with my pictures so I can show my brother and sell him this mashup idea! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I might send it to my daughter as an idea...
