Friday, June 17, 2011

Thing # 12 & 13

Thing #12- Discovering You Tube

I like you tube! I go there all the time to find videos for my students and for personal use. There are some comedians that are on you tube that I go and view to make me laugh, dance videos that I learned from for my friend wedding, educational songs and videos and much much more. I have used Teacher Tube more than You Tube in my classroom because that is the only thing that our district will allow. We have viewed fraction rap song, water cycle videos, adaptations, and etc... There are all kinds of videos! The only thing that I wish that You Tube site would have are categories. At times you type in words or phrase and something out of the ordinary come up, so for that reason I wish I can choose a category to choose then pick a video that best goes with my topic. 
As I was surfing You Tube, I came across this video that made me realize how far away our kids in USA are compared to the other kids in other countries in academics. This video motivated me to teach my upcoming students to the best of my ability with hight order thinking in mind. 

Thing #13 Using You Tube

Being in the multimedia project class I have learned a lot on my own as to how to embed, link, create video. I created a video and posted it on You Tube. In 4th grade we have a camp called Camp Write-A-Alot. The kids LOVE that whole week of camp. We change our classrooms into a camping ground. We invite "visitor" to help the students remember TAKS strategies, give our tickets for participation and good camp manners, and have drawings for small treasure box gifts. We also sing camp songs. One of our camp song is Kate Perry's song called Firework. I created this motivational video to help our 4th graders give it their best during the Writing TAKS test. Enjoy!


  1. I do not use Youtube as much as you do but now you have given me ideas! I do want to remind you that you CAN use Youtube in the classroom using your gaggle account (That's the only thing I use gaggle for :).

  2. Yes that is true...but is that teacher tube or you tube on gaggle? I have used teacher tube through gaggle but you tube is blocked for us. :0(
